TREKKING Through the hamlets of Viganj You can reach Viganj, 7 km from Orebić, by a seaside road. On the east part of Viganj, on cape the St. Liberan, there is a small 16th century chapel of the same name. About 150 m west of St. Liberan the road splits and leads to Dol hamlet. From Dol the walk path passes by several abandoned hamlets. From hamlets Sokolovo and [ Read More ]
Archive for February 17th, 2011
Welcome Bistro Montun is situated in the central part of the Viganj Bay named Montun. In ancient times, more than 2500 years ago local Illyrians builded several burial mounds known as MONTUN. Unfortunately not a single one survived modern buildings at the coast, and today only name remains. At the entrance to the restaurants terrace you will find a reconstruction of a local Illyrian warlord wearing his traditional armor. Bistro [ Read More ]
Written by: Captain Ivan Pamić Nakovana is a vast part of Pelješec Peninsula stretching from the Mount Illias to the Point of Lovište. If you drive a car from Viganj to Lovište you will find two villages – Donja (Lower) and Gornja (Upper) Nakovana, now abandoned, except for one family house in Donja Nakovana. In that area wherever you walk you will find a piece of history – from more [ Read More ]
Written by: Captain Ivan Pamić Viganj lies in the beautiful bay between Cape Liberan (Ponta Liberan) and the Cape of St. John (Sv. Ivan) in the western part of the peninsula Peljesac. In the past times Viganj was often mentioned by its italian name PORTO ROSARIO. Viganj is just 6 kilometers away from Orebic, and it is also accessible from Korcula – the town of Marco Polo. This is very [ Read More ]
Piše: kap. Ivan Pamić KRALJ EDWARD VIII U POSJET VIGNJU 1936. GODINE Malo je poznato da je engleski kralj Edward VIII 1936. godine sa svojom izabranicom, Wallis Simpson, posjetio Pelješac, odnosno Viganj, gdje je odsjeo u kući Anice Kovačević „Finjoko” i Roka Kosića. Edward VIII. (London, 23. lipnja 1894. – Pariz, 28. svibnja 1972.), postao je nakon očeve smrti 20.01. 1936. kralj Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i britanskih prekomorskih dominiona, te car [ Read More ]
OREBIĆ, 02.-10. 01. 2011 Turnir je ove godine okupio 15 momčadi sa Pelješca i Korčule, a svaku večer utakmice je promatrao veliki broj gledatelja. Odigrano je 26 utakmica u kojima je postignuto 146 golova, a u sedam dana prodano je ukupno 1046 ulaznica koje su vrijedile za izvlačenje izuzetno brojne i bogate lutrije. Viganj je ove godine nakon tri godine turnira po prvi put pobijedio, te prvi put zaigrao u 4finale. [ Read More ]
VIGANJ, 04.12.2010 Dana 4. prosinca 2010. obilježena je 100.obljetnica Hrvatskog doma Vignja. Godine 1910. skupina Vignjana na čelu s Ivanom F. Lupisem otkupila je od Dominikanaca samostan u centru mjesta, te time potaknula osnivanje „Društva Hrvatski dom za Viganj i Nakovanu“. Budući da je ova udruga jedna od najstarijih na ovom području Upravni odbor HDV-a (Ljilja Suhor, Dino Dalmatin, Alen Stupin, Neven Radovančić, Ivan Vicelić, Mladen Lupis, Dejan Nikpaljević-Čerezin, Ivan [ Read More ]